Prix du Roman de Rochefort 2021

It’s that time of year again, Literary prizes once again and here in France, there are of course the Prix Goncourt and the Prix Renaudot amongst others but of absolutely enormous importance once again is our village prize, The Prix du Roman de Rochefort. No shortlist here! Ten books chosen on the 5th of september, the jury (everyone who has read the books, about 20 people) meet end of november amid much food and drink to debate the winner. The debate is almost more important than the winner itself. Almost!

And as you will notice, true to form unable to choose Ten books we have 11 to read in the same time. yoopeee.

La face nord du cœur, Dolores Redondo (Gallimard)

Broadway, Fabrice Caro (Gallimard)

Terra Alta, Javier Cercas, (Actes Sud)

L’autre moitié de soi, Brit Bennett (Autrement)

Dibbouks, Irène Kaufer (L’Antilope)

La Tannerie, Celia Levi (Tristram)

Farallon islands, Abby Geni (Actes Sud)

L’Ami impossible, Bruno de Strabenrath (Gallimard)

L’inconnu de la poste, Florence Aubenas (L’Olivier)

Le lièvre, Frédéric Boyer (Gallimard)

Une république lumineuse, Andrés Barba (Christian Bourgois)

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