Out-guess The Booker

The Booker Prize longlist was announced on the 27th of July, but that’s 12 books! The problem is that I won’t have enough time for the shortlist this year, what with other engagements etc, etc. So I thought if I can out guess the official jury I can maybe only read 6 and begin on the longlist date.

What are my chances I thought? Nailed on to get at least one right, two right seems good odds too so that will reduce my shortlist workload

But what about choosing well, even emulating the jury? Well 3 out of 6 would be good so lets go for it and outguess the jury!

So here are my 6 from twelve, the unofficial Shortlist

Can The official jury match these choices? I doubt it!

The Fortune Men, Nadifa Mohamed (Viking, Penguin General, PRH)

Light Perpetual, Francis Spufford (Faber)

Second Place, Rachel Cusk, (Faber)

Bewilderment, Richard Powers (Hutchinson Heinemann, PRH)

A Town Called Solace, Mary Lawson (Chatto & Windus, Vintage, PRH)

No One is Talking About This, Patricia Lockwood (Bloomsbury Circus, Bloomsbury Publishing)

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